Monday, December 15, 2014

December Update

Please remember to look at the events for this week on your assignment sheet that went home today.

Wednesday: We will be at the High School PAC for our Christmas Play practice. We will be there from 8-11:30

Thursday: We will be at the High School PAC for Dress Rehearsal from 8-9:30. If you would like to come watch, please feel free!

Please be sure your child practices their lines every night this week. Your child will need their costume on Thursday for the rehearsal.

Our play will be December 18 at 7:00! On a side note, that's my son's 8th Birthday (Dec. 18). 8 years ago I welcomed Patrick into the world and he has been an unbelievable blessing in my life!

On Friday we will be doing Polar Express Day. Your child can wear pjs and bring blankets and pillows. We will watch the movie later in the morning and into the afternoon. Later that morning we will have our class party (2:00). If you signed up for a snack or drink, please bring those Friday.

We will complete the publishing of our narrative pieces this week. We have worked really hard on revising, editing and adding to our pieces the last several weeks.

We will also be finishing our unit on Non-Fiction and the features of Non-Fiction. We will begin sequencing and retelling stories when we come back from break. If you read with your child, have them begin to retell stories page by page including character names and setting.

Remember NO SCHOOL December 22-January 2

LAST REMINDER!! Can Food Drive ends tomorrow, we will be filling the FORD truck with our can foods and the truck will drive our can goods to the Food Bank.

As always, I appreciate all of the parents help every night with your child's homework, your dedication with helping out with class needs and the opportunity to teach your child every day!

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