Monday, November 24, 2014

Academic Updates

This week is a short week. There will be no homework!

Reading: We will continue or study on Non-Fiction! We made an anchor chart last week on our Non-Fiction features. We talked about how a non-fiction book has:

Photograph-to show something
Caption-To tell about the photograph
Label-to name something
Illustration-to show a picture
Map-to show where something is
Title-to name the book
Diagram-to show what something is, to show inside, to give a picture of something

We will do a non-fiction hunt and find these feature this week. We will be looking a different books and magazines to find them!

Writing: We are beginning to revise our personal narratives this week. We are starting to process of publishing our pieces. We will begin to use everything we learned to revise our writing. We will continue to compare our writing to the writing of George McClements (The Veggie Monster). He uses ellipses to build excitement, writes exact words to show action or create a movie in the reader's mind and writes words that pop out to tell the reader to read with a strong voice. These pieces will come home by Christmas break! Your child will show you their progression of how they transformed into an amazing author!

Math: In Saxon, there is constant spiral review of all new concepts that are learned. We are learning how to make addition number sentences with a 0 as an addend. I will start sending home what is called "Math News" so that every parent is more aware of what we are doing in math. Our class does math rotations.

Science/Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Pilgrims and Indians!

Thanksgiving Feast is tomorrow 11/25-also last day of school for the week.

Stand by for more academic information for next week!!

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving and look for some cool pictures and video of our Feast!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I will be out of school today and tomorrow.  If you have a scholastics order those are due tomorrow (11/21).  Please return all feast items by tomorrow.  Have a safe and wonderful weekend!  I will be updating my blog this weekend with our academic updates and next week with our feast!  I hope you have enjoyed the videos!!  If you would like to see something specific on the blog, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Important Dates!

November 7-Home Game against Blair Oaks

November 10-No School-PD Day

November 11-Family Literacy Night 5-7

November 14-PTO Movie Night-Malificent

November 20-21-I will be out of the building for a conference

November 25-Mid Terms go home and First Grade Feast

November 26-28-No School-Thanksgiving Break